Machine Morgan doing some steam

A living legend of the game he plays for 33 years (since he was 16), welsh champion Darren Morgan is the man to beat in Masters European Snooker Championship competition, which not by chance he already won five times.
The Welsh Wizard, 49 years, just come from getting his country’s title without conceding a single frame to his oponents in the race for the nation’s title: 6-0 against is friend Elfed Evans in the semifinals and an even more impressiong 8-0 score against Daniel Wells (one of the eight Q School winners this year) in the final.
Professional from 1988 until 1997, he adds to his long curriculum another five wins in Teams Masters European Championships, and outstading achievements such as three IBSF World Championship wins (2007, 2009 and 2011), or the Amateur World Championship title in 1987. The man is a legend, and a real gentleman: fearless.
How many hours do I practice? 20 minutes here, now and then, and that’s it. Competition is the best practice», says Darren, runner-up in Team’s Masters European Championships this year, in Malta, with his big friend Elfed Evans as partner.
In Cross Keys, his club is used to Darren’s victories. He was the one who stopped Ronnie O’Sullivan in 1997 World Championships at the Crucible (13-12), after the Rocket made the fastest 147 ever, still a record of 5 minutos and 20 seconds in the match against Mick Price.
«And I beat him in the UK Championship finals too», Darren adds. After all, there must not be a single player who haven’t been beaten by him. Historical wins over Sir Steve Davis, in the 1996 Irish Masters (9-8) or in 2011 Pro-Am tournament (2-1,after beating Cliff Thorburn and Jimmy Whyte) are in his brilliant page of services provided to snooker.
Three quarter finals and one semifinal in the Crucible just speak for himself. The welsh machine still steams in style. Darren Morgan is the man to beat in Masters competition. He knows it and smiles. «If I lose, no problem, get back to my snooker and golf shop in Wales, wake up at five a. m. and do my business». Be afraid, be very afraid: Darren Morgan is a real Hercules.