Mark Williams loves the event, but suffered a bit watching Joel

Three times World Champion Mark Williams has really embraced the EBSA European Championships in Sarajevo. Coming to an event like the European Championships to support his son Joel has been a great experience for the Welsh legend and what he will really take away from Bosnia and Herzegovina is that it really is a family event for the U16, U18 and U21 players and their supporters, but played in fantastic conditions at the Hills Hotel.

Joel Williams playing in the EBSA European U16 Snooker Championship.
Williams said “Joel loved it and he has all his friends here and in his first match he lost 2-1 on the black and he could won that match and he is good enough to win frames here and there. He has his friends here because he plays in all the events back home and yeah he loves it. I was more nervous watching him play than I am myself when I am playing, it’s horrible, but its great experience for him and it really is a family event and I have really enjoyed it”.
In relation to the event itself “The conditions here are better than some of the ones where we play and the tournament has been very well run. If Joel qualifies for other events and I am not playing myself I will be there with him”.