EBSA Coaching Course held in Portugal

Head of EBSA Coaching PJ Nolan held an EBSA Coaching Course from the 11th – 12th of March to train seven coaches on behalf of the European Billiards & Snooker Association in becoming Official EBSA Snooker Coaches in the Salgados Palace Hotel, Albufeira in the Algarve in Portugal.
This successful course was held during the 2020 European Under 21 Snooker Championships in the EBSA Cue Zone. Attending this course were Tsezari Manoila from Moldovia, Per Micki Christensen from Denmark, Eric Vaquier from France, Sergii Boiko from Ukraine. Francisco Sayal from Portugal, Andrii Makieiev from Ukraine and special guest Shairbek Mamatoktorov from Kyrgyzstan

EBSA Coaching continues to grow
The EBSA have now twenty-nine countries consisting of ninety coaches with full EBSA accreditation promoting the game all around Europe which goes well for the future of the game. The EBSA Coaching Course is only open to recognised coaches who are approved by their own National Governing Body.
In 2019 the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) and European Billiards & Snooker Association (EBSA) announced a partnership with our EBSA Coaches having the opportunity to attend a one-day course with Chris Lovell (WPBSA Head OF Coaching and Training Development Manager ) the new seven coaches attended this WPBSA accreditation on the 13th of March.

Coaching Pathway
EBSA Chairman Maxime Cassis said ‘’ Our Coaching structure continues to grow, which will strengthen the game around Europe. Two days of intensive training from Head of EBSA Coaching PJ Nolan plus now the addition one day course from Chris Lovell WPBSA Course which includes Safeguarding Child Protection will only make our coaches more qualified on developing the game in their countries.

NEW EBSA Coaching Balls
During this course it was announced that the new EBSA Coaching / Training Balls which were designed by our Head of Coaching PJ Nolan are available to buy from the tournament office and soon on line. The three balls in the box, helps coaches improve their cueing, control and line of aim.

EBSA Syllabus
The EBSA Snooker Coaching syllabus includes a practical exam as well as verbal and written exams covering all the techniques and skills of coaching the game of snooker.
This Coaching course in Portugal covered all aspects of the game from
- Planning Sessions & Designing Routines
- Role of a Coach & Sports Psychology
- Rules of the Game, Practice Exercises
- Safety Play & Shot Selection
- Preparation for Match- Play
- Physical and Mental Etiquette before completing the EBSA coaching written exam.
- New Training Programs
Assignments to graduate
A new training program and manual in each of their language will be developed to help the new coaches to train and guide their players.
The coaches will now begin their probation period where they will complete all the necessary assignments to graduate in becoming a fully accredited EBSA Coach later on this year.

Thank You
PJ thanked EBSA Chairman Maxime Cassis and the Portugal Association the Federaçao Portuguesa de Bilhar (FPB) for all their help
He wished the seven new EBSA coaches the best of luck in developing their coaching skills and completing their homework assignments in graduating as full EBSA Coaches later this year.

Next EBSA Course
EBSA are planning another EBSA Coaching Course at the next European Championships in Moscow, Russia. This will allow any NGB Coach to be trained in becoming an EBSA Coach and gain this WPBSA accreditation.
If you would like to become an Official EBSA Coach you need to contact your own National Governing Body in writing and request them to officially contact Maxime Cassis in the EBSA to nominate you to do the course as only nominated NGB coaches can attend the EBSA course.
Full details with dates and venue will be posted on the EBSA web site soon.