EBSA Coaching Course – Turkey

The European Billiards & Snooker Association Coaching Foundation have just announced an EBSA Coaching Course will be held during the 2025 EBSA Snooker Championships in Turkey from the 14th – 16th March 2025.
The EBSA Coaching structure was set up to qualify a network of highly qualified snookers coaches throughout Europe and at present we have 94 active coaches who are approved by their own NGB spreading the word all across Europe. EBSA Head of Coaching PJ Nolan from the Republic of Ireland will hold the course.
Would you like to attend a Course?
If you would like to attend this coaching course in Turkey, you need to ask your NGB to nominate you in writing to the secretary of the EBSA and complete the nomination form.
Only NGB approved coaches can become EBSA coaches. Once approval is received back from the EBSA you must then arrange payment of €250.00 to the EBSA to secure your place.
The Course fee
The Course are for the maximum of 8 persons. The number of courses held will be determine by the number of people paying the fee to do the courses. The cost per person is €250.00 and this includes training and if you bring a USB you can get all the files from the course plus you receive your EBSA polo shirt and coaching card.
During this Course the WPBSA will hold a free Safeguarding and Child Protection seminar developed by the WPBSA through its partnerships with UK Coaching and the NSPCC.
Only prepaid people will be accepted for the course and only a maximum of eight people will be on each course. The duration of the course will be from 10am-5pm each day. This payment needs to be sent directly to the EBSA. The EBSA will advise you how to send payment.
Course Aim
There are a number of aims we would like to achieve during this EBSA training course:
•Day 1: Role of Coach, Techniques, Demonstration of Shots, Good Coach v Bad Coach.
•Day 2: Training Programs, Analysis of a player, Use of technology.
•Day 3: Written Exam, Planning Session, Practical Exam on the table and plan the probation period for your homework assignments.
• WPBSA Seminar – Safeguarding and Child Protection