EBSA qualify Seven New Coaches from Bulgaria

Assistant Head Coach Brando held a EBSA Coaching Course from the 9th– 12th of September on behalf of the European Billiards & Snooker Association to train seven Official EBSA Snooker Coaches.
The successful course was held in snooker club “Utopia” for seven nominated coaches from Bulgaria.
Seven New Coaches
The EBSA Coaching Course is a four-day intensive training course which is only open to recognised coaches who are approved by their own National Governing Body.
The seven nominated coaches by Bulgarian Snooker Federation were Hristina, Spas, Tsanko, Vladimir, Nikolay, Boris and Stefan.

Bulgarian snooker federation is full of motivation and plans to have an accredited coach in every snooker club across the country. Developing a strong structure to promote the game of snooker by increasing the overall knowledge of players and coaches.
The EBSA Snooker Coaching syllabus includes a practical exam as well as verbal and written exams covering all the techniques and skills of coaching the game of snooker.
This Coaching course covered all aspects of the game from Planning Sessions, Designing Routines, Role of a Coach, Sports Psychology, Rules of the Game, Practice Exercises, Written Records, Safety Play, Shot Selection, Oral Assessment, Preparation for Match- Play, Physical and Mental Etiquette and on the final day they completed the EBSA coaching written exam.

The coaches will now begin their probation period where they will complete all the necessary assignments to graduate in becoming a fully accredited EBSA Coaches later on this year.
The EBSA have 97 registered EBSA Coaches approved by the NGB from 37 countries with full EBSA accreditation promoting the game all around Europe which goes well for the future of the game all across Europe.
Brando thanked EBSA President Maxime Cassis and Head of Coaching PJ Nolan for their continuing support.
EBSA wished the new EBSA coaches the best of luck in developing their coaching skills and completing their homework assignments in graduating as full EBSA Coaches later this year.