Malta’s Drago/Cini are in the Final

For the second consecutive year, Malta will be in Men’s Teams European Snooker Championships Grand Final. After Duncan Bezzina and Alex Borg have won the European Men’s Teams Snooker Championship in 2014, in Romania, Malta dreams with another smashing win, this time playing at home: Team Malta3, with Tony ‘Tornado’ Drago and Brian Cini have beaten Team Wales1 (Gareth Allen/Duane Jones) by 4-2, with a remarkable comeback from 0-2 down.
In the other semifinal, the battle continues between irisi Michael Judge/Robert Murphy and israelis Shachar Ruberg/Roey Fernandez.
The Men’s Grand Final of European Snooker Men’s Teams Championship is scheduled for this Wednesday afternoon, starting at 18 hours, local time (17 hours in the UK). It will be played best of nine frames, with the following order: singles, singles, scotch doubles, singles, singles, scotch doubles, singles, singles and scotch doubles.
– Malta 3 (Tony Drago/Brian Cini)-Wales 1 (Gareth Allen/Duane Jones), 4-2
– Ireland 2 (Michael Judge/Robert Murphy)-Israel 1 (Shachar Ruberg/Roey Fernandez), 3-2 (still in progress)
Malta 3 (Tony Drago/Brian Cini)-Winner of the semifinal Ireland 2 (Michael Judge/Robert Murphy)-Israel 1 (Shachar Ruberg/Roey Fernandez)