14 kms a day to deliver Malta’s mail

After nine days of competion at the European Championships, Rossella Licciadello became a familiar face: the Malta Post worker comes everyday to the Dolmen Hotel around 11 a.m. to deliver the mail and walks «an average of 14 kms per day» on her own foot to get the job done properly without any truck, car or even a bike.

«I do it happily. it’s easy. We all, at Malta Post, gave our best to deliver the mail and to everybody», says the aged 25 Sicily born Rossella… not even aware that the European Snooker Championships were underway at the Dolmen Hotel.

«I’m a snooker fan myself, of course, sometimes I watch in TV. So, that’s why all this excitment… I know in other countries it might not be normal to have the mail delivered by hand walking, but we still manage, and save the money of going to the gym», told us the italian Rossella, who studied Law and had the drem of bocoming a lawyer, but does not trade her present task for any other else.

«People’s smile when they receive the letter from a far away relative or we bring them good news are reward enough for us», she concluded, promising to drop by on her rest day to watch how the Italian team is going.