EBSA Cue Zone Day 4 goes Romanian

Day 4 of the EBSA Coaching Zone with EBSA head Coach PJ Nolan was held with two players from Romania this morning in the Ramada Hotel here in Bulgaria. This morning the PJ worked with Paul Croitoru and Rares Sinca on improving their Cue Action and Alignment. Both practiced some routines to improve their Potting and Cue Ball Control.
Each morning from 8.30am -9.30am during the 2014 EBSA Snooker Championships, PJ and his team of EBSA Coaches will conduct free sessions for all the players to learn the skills of the game from qualified EBSA coaches.
The Cue Zones have been organised by The European Billiards & Snooker Association to highlight the EBSA Coaching Academy. At present EBSA have 27 Qualified coaches from Ireland, France, Romania, Israel, Bulgaria, Wales, Malta, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic and Spain on the coaching team.
Would you like to become a EBSA Coach ?
If you would like to become a EBSA Official Snooker Coach, first step is to get your National Governing body to write to the EBSA to nominate you to apply to hold a course.
For more information on the coaching Click on ” Coaching ” on web site or email PJ on