The cup shines for 16 competitors from 11 countries

After 400 matches at the Men’s competition only 11 countries can still dream having the next European Snooker Champion next Saturday in Malta once concluded the best of 7 Frames Last 32 round of matches this Thursday night.

Scotland already celebrated Jack Borwick’s win at the U16 competition and Liam Graham’s victory at the U21 competition. And this March 16th ny night was precisely Graham to get the last ticket to the next round claiming victory on his match facing Israel’s David Valtzman by 4 Frames to 2.

Liam joins Michael Collumb and Ross Muir as the trio from Scotland trying to get to the quarters at the also best of 7 Frames Last 16 round marches, to be played starting 10 a.m. on Friday morning at the tables settled in St. Paul’s Bay Dolmen Hotel. In case they prevail, que 4 quarterfinlas matches are scheduled to start at 3 p.m., also to be played best of 7 Frames… and only the semifinalists will be on Saturday March 18th semis – 1st semi at 10 a.m., 2nd at 2 p.m. – and, perphaps, at the best of 9 Frames Grand Final Match, from 6 p.m., to find Andres Petrov sucessor as european champion.

The moment of truth is coming, and the European Champion cup have bem already properly cleaned by Greta Defeyter to look even better for the gala. The trophy shines, almost as much as the chance of being named by EBSA to World Snooker to be invited to become a ‘pro’ and play on the tour for the next 2 seasons.

In total, 11 countries can dream with the next european champion: besides the Scotland’s trio, we have Austria (Florian Nüssle), Israel (Shachar Ruberg), Finland (Robin Hull & Heikki Niva), Wales (Jack Bradford), Malta (Alex Borg, the 2005 European Champion), Latvia (Rodion Judin), England (Harvey Chandler & Ashley Carty) Hungary (Búlcsú Révész, the U18 european champion), Ireland (Brendan O’Donoghue & Ross Bulman) and Ukraine (Iulian Boiko).

The best of 7 Frames Last 16 round matches scheduled for 10 a.m. on Friday are Florian Nüssle (Aut)-Shachar Ruberg (Isr), Ross Muir (Sco)-Heikki Niva (Fin), Robin Hull (Fin)-Jack Bradford (Wal), Alex Borg (Mal)-Rodion Judin (Lat), Liam Graham (Sco)-Harvey Chandler (Eng), Búlcsú Révész (Hun)-Ross Bulman (Irl), Ashley Carty (Eng)-Michael Collumb (Sco) and Brendan O’Donoghue (Irl)-Iulain Boiko (Ukr).

Only 15 matches to go in Malta: meeting the 2023 European Champion took already 400 clashes from the 177 competitors who started the event on Sunday March 12th.